RichText and variable
Keve G??bor
This little code + report generate 2 page PDF file.
In the first page, i set the Rich1.Text with RTFText variable from code. The second page i put the RTFText variable in the RichObject text field.
As You can see, the first page ok, but the second page contains the text of the RTFText object, but not the expected (RichText interpretered and processed) result.
Is this normal? How can i put RichText from variable to RichObject?
Gabor Keve
p.s.: report attached ZIP format, cause i cannot attach FRX file!
This little code + report generate 2 page PDF file.
FastReport.Report fr = new FastReport.Report();
fr.Report.SetParameterValue("RTFText", "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1250\\deff0\\deflang1038{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fscript\\fprq2\\fcharset238 Comic Sans MS;}{\\f1\\fswiss\\fcharset238{\\*\\fname Arial;}Arial CE;}}{\\colortbl ;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}{\\*\\generator Msftedit;}\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\f0\\fs56 Example\\cf0\\f1\\fs20 \\b Text\\b0\\par}");
fr.Export(new FastReport.Export.Pdf.PDFExport(), "example.pdf");
In the first page, i set the Rich1.Text with RTFText variable from code. The second page i put the RTFText variable in the RichObject text field.
As You can see, the first page ok, but the second page contains the text of the RTFText object, but not the expected (RichText interpretered and processed) result.
Is this normal? How can i put RichText from variable to RichObject?
Gabor Keve
p.s.: report attached ZIP format, cause i cannot attach FRX file!